
At St Michael’s Primary we aim to be a Catholic community that reflects, engages and empowers.

For our students, this means that their strengths and needs are assessed and taken into consideration when teaching and learning programs are being developed. Each member of our school community is cared for and encouraged to be the best learner they can be.

If you have further questions about our curriculum or other programs on offer at St Michael’s, please do not hesitate to contact us.




Learning Statement

St Michael's Primary is one of 80 great Catholic Schools across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. We're so proud to be one of these unique school communities!


Religious Education

St Michael’s Primary follows the Religious Education syllabus for Catholic schools prescribed by the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta.



At St Michael's Catholic Primary Blacktown South we promote educational and personal excellence in our students as they grow as whole people, attending to their intellectual, spiritual, physical, aesthetical and emotional development.


Support Programs

At St Michael’s Catholic Primary Blacktown South we are committed to engaging each student in their learning by recognising and responding to the individual needs, talents and interests of all, and to engaging with a sense of hope for the future by equipping each child with the skills required to work towards their full potential.



Through access to our library resources and services, students develop a range of learner dispositions and capabilities to cultivate a culture of curiosity, creativity, imagination and innovation.


Extracurricular Activities

St Michael's Primary offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, facilities and events to cater for the learning styles of all students and extend their learning beyond the classroom.



Sport within St Michael’s plays a very important part in the education of the whole individual.