
Learning at St Michael's takes place across seven Key Learning Areas

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE)
  • Science and Technology
  • Creative Arts
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

Students in Years  participate in weekly drama literacy lessons, an in depth study of a picture book allowing for language development, comprehension, reading and drama performance.

Students in Year 3 and Year 4 participate in weekly strings lessons as an important skill in learning a musical instrument.

The empowerment, engagement and reflection of all our children is our ultimate goal. In getting to know our children all our curriculum development, and teaching and learning programs are based on the analysis and reflection of assessment data.

Key Learning Areas

Religious Education at St Michael's is very important to our community. See Religious Education for more information.

Developing proficiency in English enables students to take their place as confident communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers, life long learners and informed, active participants in Australian society - NSW Education Standards Authority, English K–6 Syllabus.

English learning at St Michael’s is grounded in the content and processes outlined in the NSW English Syllabus. Students learn to and about Speaking & Listening, Reading and Writing through a balanced literacy model. In a balanced literacy model, students learn though a combination of teacher modelling and demonstrating, shared or guided activities, and independent activities.

Learning in English is supported by an extensive range of high-quality reading and library resources, and learning technology. Learning programs are provided for students with special education, a non-English speaking background and communication needs. St Michael’s has a particular focus on early intervention; using the school's assessment and teaching resources to identify and assist students in need of support before the end of Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2).

The Mathematics K-10 Syllabus contains the syllabus content for Early Stage 1 to Stage 5. Within each stage, the syllabus is organised into three content strands, Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability, with the components of Working Mathematically integrated into these strands.

The continued development of Mathematics learning at St Michael’s has been a particular area of focus since 2010. Teachers have undergone a professional development process called Extending Mathematical Understanding (EMU) to better understand the demands of the contemporary Mathematics curriculum. Significant acquisitions continue to be made to build upon the school's collection of teaching and learning resources.

Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) seeks to develop within children an understanding of the social and physical world in which they live, enabling them to function within it as just and active citizens. The NSW HSIE K–6 syllabus organises the curriculum content across four strands, namely Change and Continuity, Cultures, Environments, and Social Systems and Structures. Students learn in HSIE through using an inquiry process of gathering, analysing, synthesising and applying information.

In Science and Technology students learn about natural and built environments.

Study of these environments leads to a greater understanding of:

  • buildings and structures
  • information and communication
  • living things
  • physical phenomena
  • products and services
  • the earth and its surroundings.

The NSW Science and Technology curriculum facilitates learning about the subject matter of natural and built environments through the development of skills of Working Scientifically and Working Technology.

Subject matter in HSIE and Science and Technology can sometimes interrelate and often provides a meaningful context to facilitate learning of content and skills in other Key Learning Areas such as English, Mathematics and Creative Arts. Most grade excursions are chosen to support learning in either HSIE or Science and Technology.

The state curriculum for Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) seeks to develop the child as a whole person. Its aim is to develop within children a healthy lifestyle, a positive sense of self-worth, as well as sound personal decision making. Learning in PDHPE covers a broad range of knowledge, skills and values and attitudes in the areas of Fundamental Movement and Physical Activity, Healthy Choices, and Self and Relationships. A specialist teacher provides weekly physical education lessons that support the classroom PDHPE program.

See Sport for more information.

The NSW syllabus for Creative Arts includes four strands; Visual Arts, Music, Dance and Drama. Each develops its own skills in making, composing, performing, listening, organising sound, and appreciating as appropriate.

The Music strand of the Creative Arts curriculum is provided for in weekly lessons with the school's specialised music teacher. The Music program is further enriched by an annual performance and lesson sequence from one of the many Captivate Performances.

The school participates in a number of extracurricular activities involving Creative Arts. The school has a choir directed by the music teacher, participates in Diocesan Creative Arts Festivals held every three years and has reached the state finals in the National Story Festival, Wakakirri.