Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,
On behalf of the school and parish community I welcome you to St Michael’s Primary School.
Our school exists solely as a ministry of Mary, Queen of the Family Parish, supporting you as parents to nurture your child in the Catholic faith that we share. By enrolling your child in our school, you are continuing the promises you made at their Baptism, to bring them up in the Catholic faith.
In working with you to develop your child, we use the witness that is Christ. With Christ as our guide we live by our school motto –
As a school community we work with you in developing Christ in your child’s life through their actions, their relationships and their learning. The ministry of education is one that is shared between parent, teachers and the wider community. We thank you for entrusting our community to contribute to the development of your child. This is a responsibility we are humbled and honoured to share.
At St Michael’s we aim to live out our vision of being a Catholic community which Reflects, Engages and Empowers - educating the whole child – academically, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
As members of a vibrant school community, your role is an active one. Historically, Catholic education has been founded on principles of parent contribution and voluntary service. Our school will only continue to grow through your support of school initiatives, social events and the financial contribution through fees and fundraising.
At St Michael’s, we strive to live out the charism of Nano Nagle and the Presentation Sisters. We accept with pride and diligence our responsibility to support the poor and marginalised and live as Presentation People.
We strive to engage each child in their own learning, creating an environment in which teaching and learning is purposeful, relevant, innovative and collaborative. We strive to uphold our belief to hold each student to the highest expectations in attaining their personal best in all they do.
With St Michael and Revered Nano Nagel by our side, we pray we will respond with a Godly heart in friendship, love and cooperation as we look forward to supporting you in the education of your child.
Yours in Christ,
Lisa Gerrard