Beginning teachers, new school principals and leaders gathered for a moving celebration at St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta as Bishop Vincent Long and Parish Priests blessed and welcomed Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese staff to their new roles.
Truth-telling was the focus when Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta representatives were Welcomed to Dharug Country during Reconciliation Week. The powerful event held on the site of the Blacktown Native Institute in Oakhurst will have a lasting impact as Catholic schools in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains put Reconciliation into action in 2021. Read more...
At five early learning centres in our Diocese, children aged three to five start their learning journey in a Catholic environment. For many children, it is the start of their faith journey as well. Read more...
In late February, Catholic Youth Parramatta (CYP) hosted their regular LIFTED sessions online, featuring music, prayer, reflection and action for primary school students, Year 12 leaders, young adults and Faith in Action Team (FIAT) teachers across the Diocese of Parramatta. FIAT teachers work together to offer additional opportunities for faith formation to students within their school community. Read more...
Relieving Executive Director Christine Howe invites the community to learn more about how the Curriculum is about sharing our Catholic faith with children and young people in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Watch the video...
In response to the “signs of the times”, Catholic schools across Western Sydney are changing the way students learn about faith. A bold new Religious Education curriculum has been developed based on the big questions students themselves ask about life, identity and belonging. Read more...
This term, Year 6 have begun a Religious Education learning cycle on the importance of the Eucharist. They were visited by Fr. John Paul to learn how Jesus met the physical and spiritual needs of people. Read more...
Up to 75 Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta school were represented at the annual Diocesan Education Mass which featured an inspiring homily by Bishop Vincent Long aimed at re energising schools in their mission to transform the lives of their students. Read More...
There was singing, dancing, screaming and sharing aplenty as 762 primary school students from Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains put their faith into action at the second LIFTED Live Jnr event. Read more...